Please note: Emergency applications for households at risk of immediate loss of housing due to a home repair need will be accepted after this round of applications is closed, depending on funding availability.

Application Portal

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– Program Details

Manufactured Home Improvement and Repair Program

1) Infill Awards are available to park owners to assist with small-scale capital needs to infill vacant lots and cover associated expenses up to $20,000.

2) Home Repairs Awards offers homeowners funding to cover the costs of repairing existing homes to prevent displacement.

3) Foundation Awards can help prospective and current homeowners to pay for a foundation and related expenses in preparation for siting a home, up to $15,000.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • For-profit, non-profit and Co-Op Manufactured/Mobile Home Park Owners
  • Mobile Home Owners who rent lot space in a Mobile Home Park
    • Must be the owner’s primary residence.
    • The home is in a State of Vermont registered Mobile Home Park.

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